Java-Code "" /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package horter_i2c; import javax.comm.*; /** * * @author Philipp */ public class Main { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String args[]) { // Open Serial Connection for I2C Interface try { I2CBus i2cBus = new I2CBus(); SerialPort serialport = i2cBus.connect("COM1"); // Linux: /dev/ttyS0 i2cBus.i2cInit(serialport); i2cBus.i2cStart(serialport); i2cBus.i2cStop(serialport); // Tempsensor 1 i2cBus.i2cStart(serialport); // Register setzen if(i2cBus.i2cSlave(serialport, 158)) { i2cBus.i2cOut(serialport, 0); i2cBus.i2cStop(serialport); } i2cBus.i2cStart(serialport); // Register Setzen if(i2cBus.i2cSlave(serialport, 159)) { int by1 = i2cBus.i2cIn(serialport); i2cBus.i2cAck(serialport); int by2 = i2cBus.i2cIn(serialport); i2cBus.i2cNoAck(serialport); i2cBus.i2cStop(serialport); double wert=0.0; if((by1 & 128) == 0) { wert = by1; } else { wert = by1 - 255; } if((by2 & 128) != 0) { wert = wert + 0.5; } System.out.println("Es hat "+wert+" °C"); } } catch(java.lang.Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } } Java-Code "" /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package horter_i2c; import javax.comm.*; public class I2CBus { public I2CBus() { super(); } // Set the SCL (RTS on the Com) public void SCL(SerialPort serialport, boolean wert) { serialport.setRTS(wert); } // Set the SDA (DTR on the Com) public void SDA(SerialPort serialport, boolean wert) { serialport.setDTR(wert); } // Get the SDA (DSR on the Com) public boolean SDA_in(SerialPort serialport) { boolean sda_in=false; if(serialport.isDSR()) { sda_in = true; } else { sda_in = false; } return sda_in; } // Get the INT (CTS on the Com) public boolean I2C_INT(SerialPort serialport) { boolean I2C_INT=false; if(serialport.isCTS()) { I2C_INT = true; } else { I2C_INT = false; } return I2C_INT; } // Send the I2C Initiation Sequence public void i2cInit(SerialPort serialport) { this.SDA(serialport, true); this.SCL(serialport, true); if(!this.SDA_in(serialport)) { System.out.println("Keine Antwort vom I2C Interface"); } } // Send the I2C Start Sequence public void i2cStart(SerialPort serialport) { this.SDA(serialport, false); this.SCL(serialport, false); } // Send the I2C Stop Sequence public void i2cStop(SerialPort serialport) { this.SDA(serialport, false); this.SCL(serialport, true); this.SDA(serialport, true); } // Send the I2C Ack Sequence public void i2cAck(SerialPort serialport) { this.SDA(serialport, false); this.SCL(serialport, true); this.SCL(serialport, false); this.SDA(serialport, true); } // Send the I2C NoAck Sequence public void i2cNoAck(SerialPort serialport) { this.SDA(serialport, true); this.SCL(serialport, true); this.SCL(serialport, false); } // Access the Slave (Adress) public boolean i2cSlave(SerialPort serialport, int Adresse) { boolean i2cslave = false; int bit=128; for(int n=1; n<9; n++) { if((bit & Adresse) == 0) { this.SDA(serialport, false); } else { this.SDA(serialport, true); } this.SCL(serialport, true); this.SCL(serialport, false); bit = bit/2; } this.SDA(serialport, true); this.SCL(serialport, true); if(this.SDA_in(serialport)) { System.out.println("Kein I2C Slave an der Adresse "+Adresse); i2cslave = false; } else { i2cslave = true; } this.SCL(serialport, false); return i2cslave; } // Reading Data from the I2C Interface public int i2cIn(SerialPort serialport) { int bit=128; int wert=0; this.SDA(serialport, true); for(int n=1; n<9; n++) { this.SCL(serialport, true); if(this.SDA_in(serialport)) { wert = wert + bit; } this.SCL(serialport, false); bit = bit/2; } return wert; } // Sending Data to the I2C Interface public void i2cOut(SerialPort serialport, int wert) { int bit=128; for(int n=1; n<9; n++) { if((wert & bit) == bit) { this.SDA(serialport, true); } else { this.SDA(serialport, false); } this.SCL(serialport, true); this.SCL(serialport, false); bit = bit/2; } this.SDA(serialport, true); this.SCL(serialport, true); if(this.SDA_in(serialport)) { System.out.println("Keine quittierung der Daten vom Slave!"); } this.SCL(serialport, false); } // Connect to the Interface vie Serial Port public SerialPort connect ( String portName ) throws Exception { CommPortIdentifier portIdentifier = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(portName); CommPort commPort =,2000); SerialPort serialPort = (SerialPort) commPort; serialPort.setSerialPortParams(9600,SerialPort.DATABITS_8,SerialPort.STOPBITS_1,SerialPort.PARITY_NONE); return serialPort; } }
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